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Re: General Resolution: Removing non-free

On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 05:52:17PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> maybe you should look for a career in marketing. you've certainly got
> a talent for spin-doctoring. a willingness to break promises shows the
> right ethical standard for the field too.

Well, why don't I leave the Project?

You want me to be a Bruce?  I'll be a Bruce.  But it won't take me 3 tries.

Say the word and I'm gone.  I've been called a weaselley lawyer, a
spin-doctor, and apparently I'm willing to break promises and don't have a
sufficiently high standard of ethics to be in software development.  I am
-- or was -- willing to believe that reasonable people could support or
oppose John's General Resolution.  But apparently that is not the case.

So say the word and I'm gone.  Or let the Debian Account Managers know that
I am unable to discharge my duties as a developer, for lack of moral fiber.

Go ahead.  Say the word.

Otherwise, kindly shut the fuck up.

G. Branden Robinson            |      "I came, I saw, she conquered."  The
Debian GNU/Linux               |      original Latin seems to have been
branden@ecn.purdue.edu         |      garbled.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |      -- Robert Heinlein

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