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Re: Packages removed from frozen

>>"David" == David Starner <dvdeug@x8b4e53cd.dhcp.okstate.edu> writes:

 >> I have, however,
 >> amended my stance about restricting it to build depends (not that
 >> there was any attempt at dialogue -- people muist reaaaaly like flame
 >> fests here).

 David> You started out by saying we should remove any bootstrapping packages.*
 David> As someone who uses GNAT and SML extensively, such a threat is rather 
 David> disturbing. 

        Threat? Oh, grow up, and stop dramatizing. This is a
 discussion; I cane on strong in the belief that circulatory build
 dependes should be deprecated, and and they should be allowed only in
 the rarest cases. 

        I still hold that.

        Instead of talking rationally about packages where this would
 be difficult, why do you chose to jump in with a chip on your

 David> * "Programs need dispension" && "dispension will only be given for
 David> build-essentials" => "programs not in build-essentials will be be
 David> removed"

        Only in a juvenole, black and white world. Out here, we try
 and mould opinions and attempt a consesnus; and we would get more
 done had you pointed out that more packages would require the
 dispensation than would fit the build depends category. As it is, you
 have taken the argument to the extreme, which is not very condusive
 to a dialogue.

        Has this list already deteriorated to the extent that all real
 work must be taken off it?

 David> You didn't mention documentation in the original. You said they
 David> shouldn't be in Debian. Or is English not your first language?

        Of curse it is not, but I suspect that my command of the
 language fares better than most native speakers that I know. What
 value is the dispensation unless it is recorded? Instead of nit
 picking at an inchoate idea, you would have been better served trying
 to moult it, and to remove deficiencies.

        However, let it devoilve to a pissing contest if it must.

 David> No one's opposed to documenting these packages, but it doesn't
 David> really matter to most of us. 
 >> That has been eminently clear. However, I suggest that the
 >> project give two hoots about security.

 David> How about the fact that you download binary packages all the
 David> time,

        What the hell does that have to do with anything? Did I ever
 say that my setup was supposed to besecure? Are are you so narrow
 minded that you only discuss mechanisms that are useful to your
 own personal machine?

        Just like the MBR behaviour needed documentation, so does
 David> without any proof that it's not a trojan? It would be so
 David> simple to build your binary upload from a source you weren't
 David> planning to upload.  Why should I trust Joe Random Debian
 David> Developer over Ada Core Technologies or Lucent Technologies?

        Depends on your requirements. I can see some cases where you
 need audit evreything you use. Again, what the hell has this got to
 do with anything?

 David> Not to offend any developers, but you're the paranoid security
 David> person. Why doesn't this passionately worry you?

        (Sigh*. In certain cases, it would. Security is never an
 absolute -- there is always a trade off. So the default is to include
 the packages in Debian -- and to distribute binaries,

        Anda also to document thngs to make it easy for a secure
 environment to use Debian.

        Please note: I need not bre running a secure environment to
 cater to the needs of one.

 Climbing onto a bar stool, a piece of string asked for a beer. "Wait
 a minute.  Aren't you a string?" "Well, yes, I am." "Sorry.  We don't
 serve strings here." The determined string left the bar and stopped a
 passer-by.  "Excuse, me," it said, "would you shred my ends and tie
 me up like a pretzel?"  The passer-by obliged, and the string
 re-entered the bar.  "May I have a beer, please?" it asked the
 bartender. The barkeep set a beer in front of the string, then
 suddenly stopped. "Hey, aren't you the string I just threw out of
 here?" "No, I'm a frayed knot."
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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