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Re: XML as a standard UNIX config file format (Re: Caldera installation - something Debian should learn)

In message <[🔎] 19990425181605.B12774@freewwweb.com> you wrote:
>On 1999-04-25 16:13, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
>> Well, I think we need have someone package XML::Parser at any rate.
>OpenXML (www.openxml.org) is very interesting java implementation.
>OpenXML can be used in combination with cocoon (java.apache.org) to
>support web xml publishing.  Both has stirred up quite some interest
>in very little time.

I put out a call for this to be packaged quite a few weeks ago.
As they say, ran it up the flag-pole, but no-one has saluted

>How's Debian's stance on java these days?  Debian's java list is
>pretty low volume...

I wasn't aware that we were required to have a "stance".  Either 
stuff is free or it isn't.  Either some clever people with some 
time and energy either take the effort to get an integration 
subsystem standardized and implemented, or it doesn't happen.
What else is there to say?

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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