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Re: Kernel Recompile

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> wrote:
> 	And this is what I am questioning. Why is kernel-package
>  required? It does nothing special (which is the reason you can't find
>  documentions -- it does nothing out of the ordinary at all).

I didn't really say it was required -- I was leaving that to other people.
I'm perfectly happy if our packages clearly document how to set up the
/lib/modules/ (etc.) stuff that's required for them to interoperate with
our systems (or if they clearly refer to documentation elsewhere).

>  Loadable modules work just fine with a kernel built the traditional
>  way. Think about it. (The whole world, even the whole Linux world, is
>  not Debian, thank god).

Hm.... [read, read, test, test] oops, I was wrong.  I thought there was
a problem there, but it's clearly not.


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