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Re: Time for some Clarity (KDE, Qt, Open Source...)

> There is still a problem with the interaction with the kde and the
> qt licenses.  The kde license says that you must cause the qt license
> to allow for qt to be modified and redistributed if you distribute
> kde binaries.

lets say : the discussion is open, whether gpl affects shared libs or not.
i think it does, but different people have a different opinion.

as long as the author is asked, and he gives his ok to do this and that,
there is not a problem. as long as the kde people are the authors, there is no
proplem. the only proplem i see, is where kde uses gpl'ed source from third
party. but this is very rare. coolo, do you have a list ?

> Personally, I'd rather we only distribute kde in source form, until
> this issue is properly resolved.

the kde team has made a clear statement, that everyone may mix their code with
qt. if we find an application, that uses gpl'ed code from third party, we
should ask the author. 

please: no dramatic steps until it's realy necessary.
here it's not IMHO.


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