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Re: New APT version

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:

> Hi,
> 	I just did preliminary analysis of this stuff, just off the
>  cuff estimates on my machine, and guestimating up for a full
>  distribution. But I think, as a rough estimate, the full du -S
>  information may come to 1.8M, and gzipped down would be about 3 times
>  the size of the Packages file.
> 	As I said, *not* a good idea.
> 	A separate sizes file could be of interest, then.

Could you do the same with cutting all lines with more than n "/" in
it, so only size information for n levels are given (n=3,4,5)?
That should decrease the size quite a lot.

May the Source be with you.

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