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Re: New APT version

>>"Avery" == Avery Pennarun <apenwarr@worldvisions.ca> writes:

 Avery> Perhaps we are overkilling the problem?

	If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well? 

 Avery> The problem we're trying to avoid is partial-installation of
 Avery> packages (or even starting the download) without having enough
 Avery> space to install them.  A set of heuristics would be
 Avery> sufficient to stop all the nasty cases, with just a small
 Avery> probability that we would disallow a download that might fit
 Avery> after all.

 Avery> Consider that:
 Avery> - most (?) users have only one Linux partition anyway.

	On my machine, /usr is distributed over multiple (4) partitions.
 /var is also divided, and so forth. This is my production machine. 

	We should not be sending out the message that Debian only
 caters to toy machines, but also tries to dtrt for real world

	In any case, for people with a  single partion, apt already
 tells them how much space is needed. This 
 issue is not about simplistic installations.

 Avery> So why do so much extra work?  

	So that we get it right? ;-)

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