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Re: Why does sendmail depend on procmail?

>>"Fabrizio" == Fabrizio Polacco <fpolacco@icenet.fi> writes:

Fabrizio> Someone else suggested a /usr/sbin/mda wrapper installed by
Fabrizio> each mda's package using the usual alternative method. You
Fabrizio> could agree on its interface in sendmail.cf; something like
Fabrizio> that:

Fabrizio> sendmail.cf:
>> A=/usr/sbin/mda $g $h $u

Fabrizio> and deliver's mda :
>> deliver -r $1 $3

Fabrizio> while procmail's mda:
>> procmail -Y -a $2 -d $3

	Sounds good to me. Shall we call for a general ratification of
 the proposal, followed by a 5 day discussion period, followed by a
 RFV, followed by a period for voting, and another 5 day discussion
 period before inclusion into the policy?

 My mother is a fish. William Faulkner
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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