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Re: Timestamp


	Hmm, interesting thought, running dpkg -l peridically and
 stashing the results. However, this is still quite cumbersome
 compared to dpkg stashing the information in status files.

	Determining how many packages changed since <Date> is easy in
 the CVS method, but keeping track of when a particular package
 changes is not so easy.

	Also, if this is implemented in the status file maybe Deity
 can display it (package make updated <version1-date1>
 <version2-date2> ...).

	I'm not trying to belittle the script, and until dpkg changes
 it is the only way to do it, but I'd prefer my audit trail to be
 based on dpkg action at the time of the action, rather than a
 periodic script run.


>>"Christian" == Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

Christian> On 6 Oct 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> Hi, "Sue" == Sue Campbell <sacampbe@mercator.math.uwaterloo.ca>
>> writes:
>> >> > I was thinking about a per-package timestamp, not one for the
>> distribution as a whole.
Sue> Check the packages section of the web pages. At the bottom of
Sue> each page is the date it was last modified. This is generally a
Sue> good indicator of when the package was last updated in the
Sue> distribution.
>>  Ok, then. When was make on your machine updated? (no fair peeking
>> at /usr/doc/make/changelog.gz) How about a package you do not have
>> installed? when was angband updated? (I know the version number,
>> but how old is version 282? what about version 194?)
>> I think that is what he wanted in the Packages file.

Christian> I've implementing something like this. It's just a simple
Christian> Perl script run by cron/anacron each day. It processes all
Christian> files mentioned in a configuration files and checks them
Christian> into an RCS archive if there were any changes.

Christian> On my systems, I run `dpkg -l > /var/log/system/packages'
Christian> and `uname -a > /var/log/system/kernel' and let the program
Christian> run over the directories /var/log/system and /etc. This
Christian> way, all changes to configuration files as well as changes
Christian> to the kernel or packages are stored in the RCS archive.

Christian> That way, I can check out any changes I made or even
Christian> recover old configuration files.

Christian> If someone is instrested, please drop me a note and I'll
Christian> send you the program via email. If lots of people are
Christian> intrested, we should probably make a package out of
Christian> it. (I'm sorry, but I don't have time for that at the
Christian> moment, but if someone wants to take it, go ahead!)

Christian> BTW, the program is called "server-changelog", some people
Christian> already know it.

 Old soldiers never die.  Young ones do.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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