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Re: I intend to stand for the project leadership

On Sun, Sep 28, 1997 at 12:16:48PM +0200, joost witteveen wrote:
> Was this piece of prosa intended for for debian-devel or
> shakespear-discussion? For it seems to me, thou talkest
> rather strangely.

 What! do you mean that I may not indulge in the
 mode of speach that I please?

> > I have no more to say.
> OK, that's good. I don't think you "get" the free software ideal,
> if you want our leader to be somebody with lots of expericene
> with administring companies. And I don't think people who don't "get"
> the free software ideal should be very vocal on any debian discussion list.

   ( I rose from my seat when I read that my kinsmen and friends and the
most famed of all debians who are foremost in wisdom and stature were
discussing not the candidate's life, but my own - which I consider it to
be of little value and worthless. )

   And I will account on my contribution to the noise on the
lists and tally my posts: during the last eight months I
send 3 pieces of email on issues related to debian politics. As to the
frequency, this is a small amount indeed, and, in all earnest, very many
of the developers present here today remain unaware that I subscribe to the
mailing lists. This, in my opinion, is a far truer account of what it
was made out to be.

  What am I to do, to shorten my postings? shall I make them too
short, or short enough?  Shall I post what appears to me to be short
enough, or what appears to you to be short enough?  Only to think, my
friends, that having come on to Debian, which is the most free-spoken
organization on the Net, I when I get here, and I alone, should be
deprived of the power of speech - that would be hard indeed.

   Again consider my case: shall not I be very hardly used, if, while most
of you are making short and long orations, you are refusing me to allow
to respond, yet I am compelled to stay and listen and may not go away?
I say rather, if you have a real interest in the qualifications
of any candidate, or, to repeat in my previous mode of speech, you have any
the desire finding out their retort, take back many of the statements that
you please; and let us wait for the answer.

   And while we are waiting, I will tell you that the only reason I am in
debian is for my self benefit. And that is why I am on your side contributing
to the free software movement, for the existence of free software presupposes,
and requires, that I contribute. Then again, I might consider voting for a 
leader who is not "patriotic", 100% "white", or "whiter". Let for the moment,
at least, escape from our predicament of putting on the appearance on 
USENET that of a detergent commercial.

Ioannis Tambouras 
ioannis@flinet.com, West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

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