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Summary? Re: source dependencies - and recomndations

In an attempt to get closure, I'm going summarize what I've seen
so far. I'm not trying specify exact syntax here.


Case 1:

Goal: Auto package rebuilds, just like the maintainer's.


The solution that seems to have gathered several "This sounds good"s:

Source-Depends: x,y,z
Source-Depends-<arch>: x,y,z,t

If there exists a "Source-Depends-<arch>" that matches the current build
architecture, then that selected, otherwise the generic "Source-Depends"
is selected. The relationship is either/or, not union: only one gets
selected. The expectation is that most packages (WAG: >90%) only need

This has the advantage in that it seems that we could use the
existing dependency parsing/evalution/whatever routines, if such exist.

Alternative solution:

Something like 

Source-Depends: x, y, z, (<arch>; t)

with logical relationships. More flexible, would seem to require work to
expand the dependency parsing routines, but it could also be applied to
binary dependencies, and might be quite useful.


Case 2:

Goal: package rebuilds, from some minimum functionality level
to everything.


Source-Depends: x,y
Source-Recommends: z
Source-Suggests: t

Not sure how architecture needs are fit into this, except as "if you're
building on i386, we suggest you install 't'". Of course, we could add a
-<arch> field to each of these.


Ok, if I mistated or missed something, please correct.

Opinion: I like the Case 1, Source-Depends, Source-Depends-<arch>
solution. It's easy to explain, easy to add, and would seem easy to
implement. The alternate would work, but seems like overkill, and has
more opportunities to get wrong.

I don't like Case 2, mostly because I disagree that we ought to be
solving that goal. If you want (re-)build the debian package, then it's
not sufficient, if you don't, you're probably working with the original
source anyway.

Steve Greenland

The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

			  "According to my instruments -- they're preparing
			   to jump into hyper-space... or go to warp
			   drive... or something like that."

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