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Re: Release

> Now, you tell me that 1.2 does not install very well. How can I help?

It is fixed by my boot-floppy upload. So your main problem is X.
I'd like to accellerate your contingency schedule.

> I'm willing to stay on as "Distribution Manager", but I need some
> concessions, too.  I will do my absolute best to create a solid, working
> distribution for people.  I will try to be more flexible and I will take
> the heat for my mistakes.  For this reponsibility, though, I need
> authority to implement it.  What I need is final say on what does or does
> not go into a distribution and when a distribution gets released.

Fine, but we need some criteria for the go/no-go decision. For one thing,
I'm loath to ship with known security bugs. Security bugs get lots of
publicity. Responsible-sounding organizations post notices pointing to
them, and listing the name of our distribution along with "currently no
solution", and then they list all the distributions that have the problem
fixed. But the real problem is that shipping with a known security bug is
percieved as irresponsible sloppiness, and makes people not trust your
distribution. Perhaps we should establish a list of what makes us look
stupid and prioritize it, and use that as our criteria. I still assert
that security bugs take a higher priority than schedule slips.

> As a quick schedule, then:
> - 2 weeks to bring the new packages (X & Shadow) over to Rex

We can copy the X packages over from bo in an hour. xlib6 can be unpacked
and its header changed to add elf-x11r6libs, and it can be repacked with
its revision number bumped. That much is simple. All of this can be done on
"master" without trouble. I can perform this task as soon as you authorize
me, and then we'll be ready to test it. I don't know about shadow. If the
packages aren't ready, I'd be willing to let shadow wait for 1.3 .

> 2 weeks for Christmas (during which little will get done)

Start the Beta with debian-user on December 2. Start it with the general
public as soon as we're happy with it - perhaps December 16? 

> Rex will freeze again for 4 weeks (public "beta")

You only need to "unfreeze" rex for an hour to change the X stuff.

> Rex will release as "Debian 1.2" for February 1st.

We can get it out much faster than this. I'm still thinking December.


Bruce Perens K6BP   Bruce@Pixar.com
Finger bruce@master.Debian.org for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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