debian-devel-announce Aug 2008 by subject
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[correction] Bits from the Debian Eee PC team, summer 2008
Bits from the Debian Eee PC team, summer 2008
Bits from the DPN editors
Bits from the GNU/kFreeBSD porters
DebConf10 - call for Location proposals
DebConf8 video streams
Debian Live Lenny Beta1
Debian marketing team
For Those Who Care About X (Bits from the X Strike Force)
German and French reach 100% for po-debconf in unstable
Old PGP Keyring removed from dak config to move to ravel
RFA: The Debian Jr. project
Schedule for DebConf8
Upcoming changes to supported architectures
The last update was on 12:53 GMT Sat May 25. There are 15 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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