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Re: Programs I miss in kde-desktop task

2007/3/27, Sune Vuorela:

> - cdrdao movixmaker-2 normalize-audio sox toolame vcdimager  ->  add
> interesting features to k3b

Interesting but not something I_think should be there by default

Jeg synes cdrdao er nødvendig.
IMHO, cdrdao should be there. The others are not so important
(althought they are nice to have).

> - kmymoney2  ->  personal finance manager

too specific to be installed by default.

Hmm... jeg er ikke sikker. Har gnome-desktop gnucash?
I'm not sure about. Does the gnome-desktop task include gnucash?

the non-kde packages is not in my opinion relevant to the kde task.
Maybe zip - but that's all.

ark kan bruge zip og unrar-free, hvis findes.
ark can make use of zip and unrar-free, if available.

Venlig hilsen,

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

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