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Re: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#990259: Bug#990259: policykit-1-gnome: crashes under Wayland
Re: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#990259: policykit-1-gnome: crashes under Wayland
Bug#988924: marked as done (nemo: Nemo crashes if select "Create Folder" in Favorites)
Bug#988924: nemo: Nemo crashes if select "Create Folder" in Favorites
Bug#989445: "Command not found" when dragging file into folder ending in ".deb".
Bug#989445: marked as done ("Command not found" when dragging file into folder ending in ".deb".)
Bug#990132: cinnamon-control-center-data: legacy conffiles leftover
Bug#990133: cinnamon-screensaver: legacy conffiles leftover
Bug#990133: marked as done (cinnamon-screensaver: legacy conffiles leftover)
Re: Bug#990259: policykit-1-gnome: crashes under Wayland
Bug#990271: policykit-1-gnome: unmaintained upstream
cinnamon-screensaver_4.8.1-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Me and Fabio stepping up to maintain
nemo_4.8.6-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Processed: Bug#988924 marked as pending in nemo
Processed: Bug#990132 marked as pending in cinnamon-control-center
Processed: Bug#990133 marked as pending in cinnamon-screensaver
Processing of cinnamon-screensaver_4.8.1-3_source.changes
Processing of nemo_4.8.6-2_source.changes
The last update was on 14:00 GMT Thu Jun 24. There are 32 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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