debian-cd Jul 2020 by thread
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ISO files missing from testing/nonfree webpage ariel friedman
Missing ISOs ekkehard schulz
Re: stretch EOL point release (9.13) and 10.5 planning Steve McIntyre
Re: Upcoming stable point release (10.5) Adam D. Barratt
No ISO files weekly-live-builds :(
Final CDs being written for Stretch - 9.13 release - prior to LTS Andrew Cater
Re: Updated Debian 9: 9.13 released Narcis Garcia
Missing weekly images - Debian Marcos Gabriel
9.13 torrents "not found" by tracker Lou Poppler
Hello Pal, Liu Chengjun
Verifying authenticity of Debian CDs semih ozlem
Daily builds failing since Jun 29 with "incorrect file attributes detected in initrd tree." Daniel Lewart
Inaccessible buster cloud images Martin Pitt
debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso sha256 doesn't match! Jacob Oldroyd
New release of Debian/bullseye alpha images? Sedat Dilek
Debian Strech 9.13 ISO Download - Firefox says its containing a virus Deparade Max
No iso debian-edid
Processed: reassign 780479 to Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#966608: debian-cd: Daily iso flagged as virus/malware by Firefox Jeffrey Bouter
The last update was on 12:47 GMT Mon Feb 27. There are 68 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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