debian-cd Nov 2017 by thread
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yo Inna
serious bug in dvd .iso (at least kde,unofficial+firmware): breaks seeking in KDE menu + breaks some unicode characters Mirek Zvolský
Fw: omg just take a peek Christian Perrier
A customized Debian Anoop
Firmware in netinst (.deb) and in firmware/ (separate files) Mirek Zvolský
omg! look at that! Jada Brown
Re: Scheduling 9.3 Steve McIntyre
Please forward this email to Raphael Hertzog John Martinson
Processed: reassign bug Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: Bug#880123: jessie-pu: package syslinux/3:6.03+dfsg-5+deb8u1 Adam D. Barratt
Bug#833057: marked as done (extlinux: cannot boot from ext4 filesystems with 64bit feature enabled) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#865462: marked as done (extlinux: fails to boot from Btrfs filesystem) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#879004: marked as done (isolinux: isohdpfx.bin fails to boot on old BIOS due to wrong stack order for heads/sectors) Debian Bug Tracking System
Upcoming stable point release Adam D. Barratt
Upcoming oldstable point release Adam D. Barratt
Re: Towards Debian Buster Alpha 2 Cyril Brulebois
Aaargh - 5 files could not be downloaded. Thiago Feijó
Bug#882766: Proposal: reinstate automated device selection, blacklisting d-i? Cyril Brulebois
Re: Going off-line in >~=90 days: Re: I have available missing older files for Debian archive (debian-30r0-i386 verified; also unverified: debian-21r0-i386-binary-1) Michael Paoli
The last update was on 06:54 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 61 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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