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Re: Installing Debian Bullseye on Cubox-i4 with eSATA drive... "No kernel modules found"


"Rick Thomas" <rick.thomas@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, at 6:21 PM, Rick Thomas wrote:
> > Next thing to test -- can I install bullseye the same way?
> So I tried installing bullseye from [1] which, incidentally is dated Dec 2, 2020.  Isn't this kinda old for a "current" Bullseye?

That's from the latest alpha release.

> It booted and the installer started, but when it got to "Download installer components" I got a red error screen.  I've attached a screenshot.
> I'm guessing that "kinda old" is the problem.  The kernel on [1] is out of date with respect to the kernel(s) available on deb.debian.org ?
> Where should I look for one that's more up-to-date?

On https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/
you should look under the daily snapshots.
For armhf that would be


Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>
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