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Re: Proposal: move win32-loader in SVN repository

Quoting Frans Pop (elendil@planet.nl):

> I'm personally not in favor of moving tasksel to D-I.
> D-I SVN is not "all your source are belong to us"...

Well, I volunterily launched this, about tasksel because I feel like
the package is, in reality, maintained by the D-I team since about

Joey is definitely the one who bringed the most to it (working on it
with big "hops") so I think he should have the last work on this.

Pros: l10n, definitely. Translators are the same ones and the only
      ones who aren't allowed to tasksel but are for d-i are those I
      forgot to add

Cons: Frans argument is valid, certainly. We don't want to give this
feeling and if someone wants to step deeper into tasksel, we don't
want to prevent him|her to do so.

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