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Re: Droping 1200kB boot floppies - who minds?

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:40:40 +0100
Eduard Bloch <edi@gmx.de> wrote:

> It is not necessary, and it even hurts. I tries different locale
> settings. Summary:
>  - to not break non-ASCII chars, LANG must be either C or a valid
>    xx_YY.UTF-8 locale
>  - LC_CTYPE must be a valid locale string (or I am misguided by the
>    whiptail bug, see below)
>  - LC_MESSAGES is used by modconf. It should contain a _, . and .UTF-8

I've had some experimentation, and I found that I understood a few things wrongly,
but here is a summary of what I found out:

I can symlink usr/lib/locale/ja_JP->C@utf-8 and setting locale to 
seems to allow whiptail-utf8 to do its thing.

Maybe dynamic symlinking after language is chosen / or include the 
symlinks in the b-f image might simplify most things, I hope?


dancer@debian.org  http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer

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