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Droping 1200kB boot floppies - who minds?

#include <hallo.h>
Junichi Uekawa wrote on Mon Feb 25, 2002 um 10:38:43PM:
>  else
>      export USE_LANGUAGE_CHOOSER := false
> +    export LC := true
>  endif
> Looks wrong.

Is wrong, copied too much. I have also found the other problem. But here
is now another problem: the i18n build does no longer fit on the 1200
disk. I tried to hack the build system to use less languages on the 1200
disks, but it is nothing but ugly, and still was not sucessfull. So is
anyone really interessted in keeping 1200kB version alive? If yes, come
and help, otherwise we shold drop this subflavor.

<DeVries> Wann kommt Debian3.0? Jemand n ungefähres oder genaues Datum parat?
<Alfie> DeVries: Wenn es fertig ist.
<Falky> dwVries wenn es fertig ist
<weasel> DeVries: ziemlich genau dann, wenn es fertig ist.
                                        -- #debian.de

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