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Re: Droping 1200kB boot floppies - who minds?

#include <hallo.h>
Junichi Uekawa wrote on Wed Feb 27, 2002 um 12:10:25PM:

> I've had some experimentation, and I found that I understood a few
> things wrongly, but here is a summary of what I found out:
> I can symlink usr/lib/locale/ja_JP->C@utf-8 and setting locale to 
> LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
> LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8
> seems to allow whiptail-utf8 to do its thing.

Hm, okay.

> Maybe dynamic symlinking after language is chosen / or include the 
> symlinks in the b-f image might simplify most things, I hope?

I dunno. I included this hack (patching modconf) so LC_MESSAGES is unset
and does not confuse whiptail-utf8. A solution with symlinks would be
better, but I won't implement it just for fun.

>> "Genieße dein Leben ständig, denn du bist länger tot als lebendig."

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