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Re: Towards a Debian for minimalists

On 7/17/2016 6:42 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Richard Owlett (2016-07-17 13:14:24)
Over the next week or so I will do a series of manual installs
that will begin with a standard CLI setup then use apt-get to
install Mate:
    1. using standard metapackages (with recommends activated)
    2. using standard metapackages (with recommends DE-activated)
    3. using chosen components of Mate (with recommends activated)
    4. using chosen components of Mate (with recommends DE-activated)

In case it was not clear from my previous posts: I have *no* interest in
your experiments with disabling recommends, not matter the outcome.

But the results will guide me in choosing whether or not to pursue the issue. If they turn out as I expect, it will point out a problem with either how recommends is implemented or how it is documented. My logical quandary is "If recommends must always be active, why aren't they in depends?"

If everything required to experiment with boxer is on the DVD's,
I'll try it also.

An old version of Boxer in included with Jessie, but development happens
in testing/unstable, even development targeted Jessie.  It makes little
sense to play with Boxer in stable except for the work already finalized
for that (which is only DebianParl - based on Xfce, not Mate).

I recommend to explore Boxer in a testing/unstable environment, and can
help guide you on how to create such an environment within a Jessie
system.  Tell me if that is of interest to you.

Anything requiring installing testing/unstable/etc is *OUT*. I am bandwidth *LIMITED*.
That is why I install ONLY from purchased DVD sets.

I strongly suspect I want an alternative to the installer, not to boxer. In several places the the installer asks either the "wrong" question, or in the "wrong" order.

  - Jonas

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