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Re: Request to fast track gitlab dependencies

On 2018, ഡിസംബർ 20 4:44:14 PM IST, Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> wrote:
>I am a bit surprised that those packages haven't already got a mailing
>list as a maintainer, even if there is only one person on that list.

All those packages are already team maintained (spread over ruby, JavaScript and go team).

Just added one more uploader to gitlab package, hope to add more.

>The extra workload (not just for the packaging team but the churn in
>the archive) of uploading all those packages just to change the
>maintainer field when someone does join the effort should have been
>anticipated. I'd recommend that this is implemented for each new upload
>as soon as practical. (I do this for LAVA which uses GitLab internally
>but has a slower release cycle with the ability to support packages in
>testing and stable.)

You could have verified at least one package before writing these.

>It can also help to add to planet.debian.org and describe routine free
>software activity on a regular basis (weekly, monthly?). A number of
>people who are doing Debian work as their paid employment already
>provide such reports as blogs.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will consider it.

>It might not be possible in all situations, but sometimes a work domain
>can be used in packaging email.
>Together, two or more of these three steps would have made it obvious
>that this is more than a volunteer effort in a few hours of spare time
>each week and the blog posts could have included all the news about NM.

I used to do this earlier, but did not think there is much interest to continue writing as its kind of routine work.


>It's self-publicising, I know, but it is much better to put the
>information up before there are misunderstandings - whenever the work
>of anyone in Debian moves a bit out of the "few hours a week in my
>spare time" volunteer model which covers so many contributors to the
>project as a whole.

I think I shared about it when gitlab started funding me, I didn't think of reminding this often.

May be I should publicize it more as you suggested, starting with gitlab page on Debian wiki.

>It's natural to project fears and worries about the estimated workload
>onto the typical volunteer model and start screaming. With a bit of
>context, in advance, things get much easier, for everyone involved.

This went much beyond that, even after stating it.
>I think the small effort of updating a blog would be very useful for
>all efforts related to GitLab and packages like it. It may well be
>useful internally to update line managers etc. too. 

I send worklog to gitlab regularly, but did not think about publishing it. But I will think about now.

> Personally, I think
>having a mailing list in the Maintainer: field is essential for anyone
>uploading more than a dozen or so packages - no matter how much time is
>available for the work. It only becomes more important when those
>packages have short release cycles.

As already mentioned, you did not check the facts.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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