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Re: Request to fast track gitlab dependencies

* Pirate Praveen <praveen@onenetbeyond.org> [2018-12-17 13:27:11 CET]:
> On 12/17/18 4:11 PM, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> >  backports though doesn't exist disconnected from the next stable
> > release.  It's the core point of its existence.  Please understand that.
> As mentioned earlier, the idea was to see if that can be changed. The
> whole idea of backports itself was a new idea once. I will stop pushing
> for this change now.

 If you don't come up with arguments of why to change it, yes, there is
a lack of pushing. :)

> >  Sure, but volunteering doesn't mean changing everything along the way.
> > That doesn't build trust, and that's one of the core points of that
> > permissions, because it comes with responsibilities.
> As I said before, there was no communication on the reason for not
> accepting. The bug you mentioned to keep out of testing was filed after
> I requested to fast track gitlab. Also one reason pointed out in earlier
> discussions was "I have too many packages already".

 And that still holds true.  I pointed out that you maintain more than
20% of all packages within the backports archive.  I feel very uneasy
about that fact, and you want to introduce even more.  

> Can you accept npm, which is useful outside of gitlab and there was
> already a request on this list for a backport?

 Is this another package which just has you behind?  I'm really worried
about this approach.  Please try to get more people involved in that
huge effort.  Even though you mentioned you are paid to work on this,
attention shifts, workplace environments shift, and then we are suddenly
with over 20% packages within the backports archive without maintainers.
That's an extremely high load to distribute under volunteers, and your
statement of "If that situation changes, we can surely think about
alternatives" isn't helping:

 I want to have this thinking process started now before we are hitting
the dead-end street's wall.  Besides all, deities forbid, but if the
situation changes you might not be part of that "we" anymore and thus
won't be involved to clean up after yourself.  So given that you are
driving up a critical point in the archive maintenance work efford I ask
you right here right now to do the sensible thing and come up with a
plan that convinces me how things might work out when that happens,
before I process any further new package coming from you.  And I very
much hope that you can relate to that concerns and are willing to find a

 Thanks for your understanding,
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