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Re: backports kernel: support for t430s laptop in backports?

Harald Dunkel <harald.dunkel@aixigo.de> writes:
> On 12/14/12 19:20, Russ Allbery wrote:
>> Harald Dunkel <harald.dunkel@aixigo.de> writes:

>>> The really sad part is that Nvidias proprietary driver is very easy to
>>> install on Squeeze, even if you use the most recent hardware. Meaning
>>> no offense, but how comes that the open Intel driver is an issue here?

>> Because NVIDIA hires full-time employees to spend lots of time testing
>> the driver on a variety of different configurations and writing a
>> complex installer.  I suspect they spend more resources on that than
>> they spend on fixing bugs in the driver.  :)

> I was talking about the Nvidia packages in debian-backports/non-free,
> not about Nvidia's installer. Surely the Debian folks integrating the
> "evil" Nvidia drivers do a tough job and own a lot of respect.

Oh!  Well, that's partly because NVIDIA does actually do a lot of the
work due to the nature of the software.  For example, there are no
external dependencies, so you don't have any long chains of backports
required, and there's no need for newer kernels, etc.

But a lot of that is just that Andreas has put a *lot* of work into the
packaging.  Tons and tons.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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