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Information needed from owners/users of Debian on ARM/kirkwood base QNAP devices (should take < 1min to gather)


TL;DR: Please run the attached kirkwood-qnap script on your ARM based
QNAP systems as "./kirkwood-qnap --info" and report the results in this
thread along with the model/kind of your QNAP device (as precisely as
you can). The script does not need to be run as root and gathers
information about the hardware platform and kernel version only, it is
non-destructive (even if run without the --info, so don't worry).

Longer version:

The upstream Linux kernel maintainers are in the process of switching
support for the kirkwood platform from the old "board file" mechanism to
device tree. This means we (Debian) need to plan for an upgrade path,
which mainly means teaching the flash-kernel tool about the DTBs and
telling it to use them with new kernels. The 3.15 kernel can boot in
either mode and I'd like to try and make the transition with that release.

Unfortunately there is a slight wrinkle which is that each individual
board file actually supported systems based on two different SoC
variants which has resulted in 2 DTBs for each board file. We need to
figure out how to reliably detect which DTB is required even when
running on the Wheezy kernel etc.

There are several possible mechanisms for detecting this, however due to
the vagaries of the different kernel versions which may be out there and
the variations in the systems themselves they aren't all necessarily
available all the time.

Running the attached script and "./kirkwood-qnap --info" will gather
information about these various mechanisms so that I can build
confidence that it will work correctly everywhere.

Just running this test on whichever systems you happen to have running
their current kernel in the existing configuration would be incredibly
valuable. However if you have qnap systems which you don't mind
rebooting (and can recover if a kernel upgrade goes wrong) then booting
with a few different kernels and running the script would be very useful
to see the results for any of:
      * The stock Wheezy kernel
      * The 3.15-rc8-kirkwood kernel currently in experimental, with
        regular flash-kernel from sid or before. This will boot in
        board-file mode.
      * The 3.15-rc8-kirkwood kernel currently in experimental and the
        flash-kernel from experimental (3.22~exp.1). This will boot in
        DTB mode.


Example output:
$ ./kirkwood-qnap --info
Kernel:         Linux qnap 3.15-rc8-kirkwood #1 Debian 3.15~rc8-1~exp1 (2014-06-03) armv5tel GNU/Linux
cpuinfo:        Hardware        : Marvell Kirkwood (Flattened Device Tree)
dt model:       QNAP TS419 family

PCI devices:
00:01.0 0604: 11ab:6281 (rev 02)
01:00.0 0100: 11ab:7042 (rev 02)

PHY devices (/sys/bus/mdio_bus/devices/):
f1072004.mdio-bu:00  f1072004.mdio-bu:08

Soc Bus:        n/a

kirkwood-qnap: machine: QNAP TS419 family
kirkwood-qnap: success: PCI => kirkwood-ts419-6281.dtb
kirkwood-qnap: success: PHY => kirkwood-ts419-6281.dtb

Attachment: kirkwood-qnap
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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