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Re: Workstation based on ARM motherboard, good idea ?

NG wrote:
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 20:59:30 +0200, Pascal Brugier
<pbrugier@aeon-hq.net> wrote:

You can run armhf on any ARMv7a cpu as long as you have kernel source
for it.

http://boundarydevices.com/products/ lists two mx6quad boards.
Thank you for this inforamtion.

Things I forgot, it's the amount of memory use by web browser when
many tabs are open as I do and the problems from website using flash
or java.

I thin I'll continue to use X86 for my workstation and when I'll
upgrade my server hardware I'll loke to ARM motherboards again.

Thank you.


I've left a old one (a genesi efika mx) as a "workstation" mostly web
surfing, email and photo organisation, for my parents not so computer
aware, and it is fine.
They complaint about f***g flash, slow video player and you can't open
so many tabs in chromium...

Off-list, somebody tells me that he's very impressed by a MIPS-based Lemote box that he's recently bought. However, if Flash and Java don't work properly on ARM with all the attention that it gets from bratphone manufacturers then I don't hold out much hope for them being any better on MIPS.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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