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Sheevaplug Questions

Hi All,

Apologies if this has been covered before but I'm new to the 'plug' and have been puzzling on how best to use it to meet my needs.

I'm Unix/Linux savvy but not up with the griff on things like flash/nand and such like.

My aim with the plug was, is, to replace my 44P-170 RS6000 mail/web server, currently running debian. I've installed a base debian onto the plug into flash/nand (excuse terminology if incorrect) which doesn't leave a great deal of space for the apps I'm intending to install for the mail & web servers. I can probably squeeze everything on and get round things by using an SD card or usb stick if not. I intend to use a usb stick for the data anyway, that is web/mail data.

I'm wondering, now that I've installed to nand, apart from the quicker boot process, what if any are the advantages of installing to nand? Are there any issues regarding writing (as in OS writes for logging etc) to nand as opposed to SD card or USB? Will this affect the lifespan? Should I, for something that will not be rebooting very often at all, have just stuck with the usb install?

Sorry if these questions are a bit basic but I'm more used to the power hungry IBM world and thought I'd ask before setting everything up. Any and all opinions/help welcomed.


Michael Howard        mike at dewberryfields dot co dot uk

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