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Re: Can't mount CD/DVD drives

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 03:45:01PM -0500, Austin Denyer wrote:

> I had a similar problem to you, Andy, with the 2.6.15 kernel and a
> RAID1 setup - it could not find /dev/md3 to mount it (/dev/md3 was the
> root partition).  It looked like udev had not yet created the device.

Unless you have the RAID code compiled into the kernel (not modules) and
you are using kernel-based RAID autodetection, the /dev/md* entries are
created by mdadm, not by udev (udev can not create them until the array
is created, and mdadm needs to create the device first to be able to
build the array).


     MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute
                Hungarian Academy of Sciences

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