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Re: diald?

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Doug Larrick wrote:

> Hi, first, an introduction.  I'm Doug Larrick, a Compaq employee from 
> the Alpha development group's CAD department (but playing with Debian 
> on Alpha at home).

Glad to see that we managed to lure at least one employee from "the big Q"
over to debian :-)  I've been trying to get the compiler team over there
to install Debian on an Alpha, but haven't had much success yet. (I'm the
one providing the debs for the compiler betas).

> I've gotten my LX164 running Debian 2.1 (plus kernel 2.2.12 & the 
> updates it needs) fairly well, but am having lots of trouble with 
> diald.
> The docs on how to run kernel 2.2.x (off the slink main page) say I 
> need to update it from what's in stable, but the .deb in the 
> binary-alpha area is a symlink to slink.  It (not suprisingly) does 
> not work, failing with a segfault (which is not the failure mentioned 
> on the 2.2 kernel page).
> So I downloaded the source package for diald 0.98.2 and built it 
> (with a little trouble: __u8, __u16, and __u32 are undefined), only 
> to have the exact same problem.
> So: Does anyone have diald working on an Alpha with kernel 2.2.12? 
> Do we know why Alpha is stuck with an old version?  Any sage advice?

I'll have to drag my modem into work and try this out.  I actually used
diald at one time and it worked, but it might have been a fluke or I may
not have gotten it right enough to upload (I didn't use it for long...tops
around 2 weeks).  I can't imagine it would be too tough, though, to port

What kind of problems is it giving you?  Any errors logged?


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