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Re: gcc done, eglibc problem

Stephen R. Marenka dixit:

>When I was maintaining kernels (for d-i) they were always built from
>packaging, although not always on a buildd.

Mh, reasonable. I’m trying for cowbuilder, which is sort of an
equivalent to buildd, ASAP.

>I preferred to cross-compile

This is one of the things I wouldn’t want to, at least not
so it becomes the default case. (Granted, even on the fast
emulated machine it takes most of a day for *one* flavour…)

>so I could test the kernel in a timely manner before I uploaded.

I guess for testing (e.g. patches) this would be okay, but
I’d throw in non-crossbuilt kernels as much as possible.
(That’s what buildds are for, right? ;)

I’m too aware of the differences (in gcc, not pcc though)
between a native and a cross compiler to like it.

Luckily, at the moment, we kinda have as much time as we
want ☺ (nice of doko to add the patches to gcc already)

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when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them.
If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny
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