debconf-video Feb 2008 by thread
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- [Debconf-video] LAC 2008: bandwidth to burn and volunteers needed Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule, booth, and devroom volunteers) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule, booth, and devroom volunteers) Ben Hutchings
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule, booth, and devroom volunteers) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule , booth, and devroom volunteers) Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM:?schedule , booth, and devroom volunteers) David Noble
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM:?schedule , booth, and devroom volunteers) Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule , booth, and devroom volunteers) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule , booth, and devroom volunteers) Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too Amaya
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too Amaya
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule , booth, and devroom volunteers) Luca Capello
- Re: [Debconf-video] video volunteers wanted, too (was Re: FOSDEM: schedule, booth, and devroom volunteers) Luca Capello
- [Debconf-video] I can take the 16:00 - 17:00 Debian-FOSDEM2008 slot for the video mixer, on Sunday Herman Robak
- Re: [Debconf-video] Video Streams from Fosdem Petter Reinholdtsen
- [Debconf-video] LAC 2008: live online Now! Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- [Debconf-video] [patch] Improve dvswitch error handling and package README Petter Reinholdtsen
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