Re: what hardware will be available ?
Andreas Schuldei dijo [Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 09:41:56AM +0200]:
> > Yes, at least I'm planning to ask for a color laser with duplex. Shouldn't
> > be a problem if they have any real will to co-operate, as color lasers
> > aren't anything really fancy any more.
> >
> > If we don't have a sponsored color laser in time I can also print the
> > nametags at my workplace which is nearby the DebConf site.
> that is not really an option, since we can expect people to show
> up unannounced all the time. To be able to print nametags (which
> we want them to wear!) the printer must be really near by.
We could also work with a Zebra printer [1]. They are extremely handy,
and reasonably easy to control. We can have pre-printed, colored,
plastic nametags, and just stick the label on them - BTW, the label
looks quite nice.
Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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