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Re: what hardware will be available ?

Arto Teras dijo [Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 09:13:56PM +0300]:
> Asked for laptops too, got a negative answer, tried to argue that this would
> be also good marketing for them, no answer to that yet. 

Hmmm... We should start probably contacting people, because:

comas=> select c.descr, count(p.id) from comp_status c join person p
on p.comp_status_id=c.id group by c.descr order by count desc;
                      descr                      | count 
 My laptop, with wireless conectivity            |   143
 Not bringing one, please provide                |    26
 My laptop, wired network only                   |    26
 My desktop (no monitor/keyboard, wired network) |     3
 My desktop (monitor/KB incl, wired network)     |     1

26 people (27 if I don't have my laptop back by then ;-) ) have
requested us to provide a computer, whatever kind it is (it'd be nicer
if they were all laptops). Besides, 3 people want a
monitor/keyboard. Now, out of the 26 requesting a computer:

comas=> select t.descr, count(p.id) from person_type t join person p
on p.person_type_id=t.id where comp_status_id = 5 group by t.descr
order by count desc;
             descr             | count 
 Non-maintainer but interested |     8
 Non-DD maintainer             |     8
 Debian Developer              |     7
 Accompanying                  |     3

I'd give preference to the 15 DDs and non-DD maintainers - Of course,
given they confirm and they confirm their status. 

About the needed monitor/KB: Two DDs, one non-maintainer but


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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