Re: [Debconf-discuss] Accommodation for sponsored registration
Amaya dijo [Sat, May 07, 2011 at 01:12:25PM +0200]:
> Velimir Iveljic wrote:
> > I meant, that if the person is not contributing to Debian/DebConf, it
> > is not logical for her/him to be sponsored.
> We have had fully sponsored boyfriends & girlfriends before, what is the
> policy this year regarding this? We should detail what people need to do
> if they are in this case, somewhere, maybe the wiki (i'm volunteering to
> do it once I find out what needs to be written there).
As the conditions regarding our lodging vary strongly from year to
year, I am not sure how much we should rely on previous years'
information... I suggest we should start by accepting for sponsored
accomodation all couples who pledge to do some DebConf work as
volunteers (even if they are not Debian-related in other ways). And
yes, volunteering is a very subjective and hard to measure amount of
effort, but I'd put it as a minimum acceptable line.
Of course, whoever wants to attend paying their expenses, go
ahead. And of course, if the govt says they will sponsor everybody
staying at the hotel for DebConf, great. But I think this is a good
baseline for accompanying people.
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