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Re: DebConf twice a year was: DebConf-7 ;)

On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Joachim Breitner wrote:

Not an objection, but a concern: It is probably not what we want if then
lots of those from "near" australia (let's say, East Asia or India)
would say "hmm, I only go to Debian Sud, two conferences is too much
Too much certainly not.  According to my experience DebConfs are the most
productive and most interesting conferences I took part.  I was in Bordeaux
at LSM when Debconf 0 and 1 where plugged in.  When I was at two further
LSM meetings (Metz 03 and Bordeaux 04) I would not call it a wast of time
but there was a *real* difference without the Debconf ...

too expensive,
This heavily depends from the amount of sponsoring.

so I choose the closer one", and those from near wherever
DebConf is held think the same, only the other way, and we get a "Debian
Conference Schism".
IMHO we just have this currently.  The organizers will surely be able to
provide numbers about attendees and there location.  So there will be no
real drawback for the "DebConf North" if there will be an additional
"DebConf Sud"

Kind regards



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