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Re: cdrtools cdrecord/cdrecord.c

Joerg Schilling wrote:
Geoffrey <esoteric@3times25.net> wrote:

Joerg Schilling wrote:

Achja, für den Fall das die Probleme, die Du mit einer Sinnvollen Konversation zu haben scheinst, daher rühren daß Du in der Englischen Sprache irgendwelche mir nicht bekannten Nebenbedeutungen entdeckst, laß uns einfach die Diskusion in Deutsch weiterführen, da sind Mißverständnisse nicht so wahrscheinlich.

Solltes Du meine Aufzählung von Fakten als herablassend empfinden, dann
solltest Du aber mal ernsthaft über Deinen Diskusionsstil nachdenken.

Ich bin jedenfalls weiterhin offen gegenüber jeder ehrlichgemeinten Diskusion die daran interessiert ist Probleme auf technischer Ebene zu lösen.

Pardon if I've not properly understood the above as my German is quite rusty.

I don't see how the discussion can't continue in English as it's relatively clear what is being discussed.

I am sorry, but as Steve McIntyre told me that my mails are condescending, it is obvious that English is not the right language for the discussion as it seemms to be ambiguous to allow Steve McIntyre to believe I am condescending.

Or do you believe he missinterprets the mails and we should continue in English?

Actually Jörg, I tend to agree with Steve, but it could well be a cultural issue. You do come across rather blunt.

That being said, I really do appreciate your efforts, but I also wish that your distain for Linux didn't always find it's way into the discussions. Let's face it, Linux is here to stay, and I suspect that there is a greater cdrecord user presence who are Linux based rather then Solaris. No stats on that, so I could be wrong.

Until later, Geoffrey

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