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Re: larry

Macskasi Csaba wrote:

On Sunday 27 February 2005 09.54, Mr Mike wrote:
and debian too..  With the new adaptation of the anaconda installer from
RH, a very big roadblock to using debian has been removed.  Now it needs to
provide a more unified gui administration toolset like mandrake then there
should be no reason why anyone couldn't/wouldn't want to give it a serious

Well, I don`t know if it is as positive that the new installer has been adapted as you say. The first time I booted the sarge-cd I was shocked. It was just like windows. It was not userfriendly, it was n00bfriendly. (Even a goose could install sarge if you put enough grain on the enter key...) The expert option was a lot better, but I still want the nice, transparent installer from potato/woody back. My solution was to manually install the system with debootstrap... I think, if debian gets too `userfriednly` it will end like windows. There are several other distributions gui-installers and config tools. (yast, mcc...) The `advanced` users want a simple, transparent system like debian. E.g. it seems much more userfriendly to me to edit a textfile than to click around half an hour on the gui-s... And if a user has learned all the basics on an outher distribution, if he is ready to face the CLI, than he should try debian. All the others should play around with gui-s. (imho)


i agree. like i wrote before on this list, i think an os like debian kills itself by imitating the mumbo-jumbo of gui's etc of a lot of other distroos, not only windows but p.e. an os like mandrake included. if you start a new thing i consider it quite normal to start a learning curve. therefore were the how-to's etc. developped.

yet it is not easy on a maillist to filter out the lazy folks. even in the case of 'larry' it was not exactly clear to me: so i would have decided to give even 'him' the benefit of the doubt.

I agree too with csaba on the point that I too want back the simple transparant install system of adam on woody and, of course potato. the new installer has too much of a completely automated engine. personally i like a lot more the console which gives the user a lot more control and is for that reason a lot more user-friendly. so i guess if we do nothing we can sit down and wait till debian, the way we know it up till now, fades out.

kind regards,


autarkisch en autonoom,


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