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Re: [gopher] cgi on Gopher?

> One more idea is to integrate an old protocol (Gopher) with an even 
> older one (SMTP). Have your wiki engine send out the page for editing 
> via email.
> Something like this:
> * I want to edit page "Foobar"
> * CGI asks for an email address via Gopher query
> * CGI sends out the old page to me via SMTP
> * I can then edit the page in my email client
> * I send the new page as a reply
> * CGI catches that reply, de-emailifies the page and saves it
> That will work even when then user is on a VT100 terminal - as in it 
> doesn't expect anything special on the client-side.
> ... or, you can just expect the reader to have *cough* an AJAX 
> JavaScript-compatible Gopher reader *cough* *cough* which makes it 
> possible to have an WYSIWYG editor on top of Gopher queries.

Evil man :)

ISTR when this was talked about before that the idea was to use Telnet and
feed the user into some sort of editor. Of course, such an account would
need to be VERY tightly secured.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser@floodgap.com
-- TRUE HEADLINE: Miners Refuse To Work After Death ---------------------------

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