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Re: Processed: 008_fix_xgetpw_macro.diff breaks Xlib API.

On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 01:58:24PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 12:12:24AM -0700, Chris Waters wrote:
> > So technically, what we have here is two bugs.  One against OpenMotif
> > for depending on X internal symbols (symbols with mandatorily
> > undefined behavior, at that).  And one against X upstream for code
> > with undefined behavior.

> I don't see why why a private function shouldn't be able to do whatever
> it wants.

Can you name a private function "errno"?  No, that's a reserved name.
Can you name an private function "_x11_fooooobar"?  Technically, no,
you cannot, that's a reserved name!  All names that start with
underscore are reserved by the language standard.

Now, I freely grant that in practice, if you're careful, you'll get
away with it 999,999 times out of a million.  But that doesn't make it
legal.  It simply makes it relatively unimportant.  It's similar to
(though MUCH safer than) code that uses "void main()", which also
tends to work in practice.

Note that I have not filed any bug reports about this.  The only
reason I even mentioned it is that Daniel was harrassing some poor
fellow who happened to mention, in passing, the fact that such
identifiers are technically forbidden.  Well, Daniel was wrong, and
the original poster was right, so I quoted chapter and verse to show
that Daniel was wrong.  It's not a big deal, I was just defending the
poor guy.

And I have to say, after reading Daniel's irrelevant and incoherent
response to my post, I have a much greater understanding of why you
decided to stop working with him! :)


p.s. note that I removed openmotif@p.d.o from the followup, because
I'm not discussing, nor interested in, what openmotif is doing.

Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
xtifr@debian.org       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or xtifr@speakeasy.net |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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