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Re: Encoding problems with check_trans.pl

Hi Andrei!

You wrote:

> I've no idea why the patch works;  it screws things up here, in
> particular for languages that still use iso8859-1 (for example, french).
> encode() encodes the perl string into a proper utf8 bytestring.  At
> least, that's what it's suppoed to do...

I think I might have found the problem: I had an uncommitted change in
webwml/Perl/Local/Util.pm that implemented the actual charset conversion
while reading the file from disk.  I've just committed it (rev 1.3).
Could you please check if it works with the updated Util.pm?


| Bas Zoetekouw      | Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright, |
|--------------------| The bridall of the earth and skie:      |
| bas@zoetekouw.net  | The dew shall weep thy fall tonight;    |
+--------------------|                    For thou must die.   |

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