On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 02:23:17AM -0500, Erinn Clark wrote: > * Pia Smith <pia@linux.org.au> [2004:12:16 09:13 +1100]: > > 3) We need to be welcoming of men, of all people. > I don't disagree with you, which I want to make clear, but this brings a > thought to mind: > How accepting should we be, exactly? For example, one of my concerns is > that the list and IRC channel will be "overrun" (for lack of a better > word) by well-meaning men. When the men are very helpful, nice, and support > our goals, it's not like we can say "Hey, the statistics are all out of > whack here, it's still a male majority", without being rude and losing > valuable members of the community. But I'm not sure how it looks to new > people or what they're expecting and if this will scare them off. > Is this just something we deal with? Watch out for until it gets out of > hand? Are there any precautions we can take, or is it not a concern at all? I think it's a fine line between taking precautions against preserving a particular minimum gender ratio in debian-women, and creating an insular community that loses sight of the goal of getting more women *into Debian*, which is most definitely not going to have a "normal" gender ratio for some time to come. -- Steve Langasek postmodern programmer
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