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Re: Asking for the ban of Frans Pop from debian-vote ... (Was: [AMENDMENT]: Release Etch now, with source-less but legal and freely licensed firmware)

Sven Luther wrote:
> Hi list masters and DPL,

Hi Sven

> Since it seems Frans is not able to leave ad-hominem attacks out of this
> discussion, and given the precedent of my ban from -release on similar issues,
> i now officially ask for Frans Pop to be banned from debian-vote, until such a
> time as he is able to discuss issues, without being able to resort to
> ad-hominem and defaming attacks like he has done here, even if in a slightly
> disguised form.
> Mails like his don't help the issue to be solved, bring absolutely nothing,
> and are borderline insulting, and nobody want to go into another repeat of
> what happened last spring.

Communication is always between two or more ends...

> Sven Luther
> On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 04:33:06PM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
>> On Thursday 05 October 2006 11:43, Frank Küster wrote:
>>> first of all, I wonder why so few people from the teams involved take
>>> part in this discussion.  I assume one reason might be that they prefer
>>> IRC.  However, debian-vote is the list that's supposed to hold the
>>> important information for the vote, isn't it?
>> No, it is because everybody who is remotely reasonable (with a few 
>> exceptions who are mostly forced to stay involved because of their roles in 
>> the project) has long since become totally disgusted with this anal 
>> discussion and the people pushing it .

I don't take part in the discussion as I think it's way too high volume to
repeat points that were already brought to the list...

>> Instead of a simple GR that leaves the decision with what is acceptable for 
>> Etch with the Release Managers, we now have a convoluted proposal that 
>> tries to do a lot more than was ever intended.
>> So, no, I will not support the current proposal (though I may vote for it). 
>> And, no, I am no longer interested in participating in the discussion, 

As Frans is not interested in participating in the discussion anymore, I don't
see what a ban would bring if it would be justified to ban him in the first

The reason why you were banned from debian-release was mostly because of
turning it in a discussion list which it is not intended for. The tone of the
messages was something that made it clear that you were not going to stop
sending such mails to the list...



PS: Sending Cc's to debian-release in the middle of a discussion is not very
clever when you just get unbanned...

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