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Re: How to can make a partition in my hard disk ?

William Torrez Corea <willitc9888@gmail.com> writes:

> The Booting is very dawdled, when I start firefox the page stays loading too much time and when
> I try to open LibreOffice or Gimp it loads the program very slow. In the browser I have
> different tabs open. 

Since it has been established by you that you have sufficient CPU and
RAM and disk space available for basic desktop usage, I'd guess you have
an old school hard drive in the system which makes your computer seem
slow to you. Partitioning you can forget about. In inexperienced hands
it's an easy way to turn your computer into a brick.

Replacing your hard drive with a modern SSD might help but whether it's
doable depends, especially as I assume your computer is a laptop from
the CPU you mentioned. Laptop upgrades like this can be easy or
hard. Copying your data to the new drive can also be easy or hard,
depending on your skill level. Reinstalling Debian might be the thing to
do if you've managed to that before.

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