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Re: Prevent normal users from power actions

On Thu 29 Sep 2022 at 18:55:03 +0200, Christoph Pleger wrote:

> Hello,
> > I suppose it might be worth mentioning how your users reboot or
> > shutdown the system, and whether this applies only when seated at
> > a console or even to all users (for those of us who reboot with
> > CtrlAltDel and shutdown by touching the physical power button).
> When a user has started a graphical user session, like GNOME, KDE etc.,
> there are several options to end or pause the session (without pressing
> the power button or Ctrl-Alt-Del): Log out, Shutdown, Reboot, Suspend,
> Hibernate, and maybe others. What I want is to require the user to
> enter the root password in order to reboot or shutdown (and of course I
> know that it is possible to shutdown or reboot the hard way).

As David Wright implies, a user with physical access to a machine
can always reboot or shutdown. Your requirement to provede a root
password seems excessive. Are you hoping users will not notice
where the ON/OFF button is?


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