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Re: Color of the active window title bar in ubuntu-mate?

On 8/22/22 4:07 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
. . . A manifestation of the “we know better than you” mindset of the
GNOME people. . . .
*JUST* the GNOME people? I've found that, in general, the "we know better than you" mindset is even worse with Apple and M$. And getting worse still, especially with Apple.

My choice for volume icons, for example, has always been a vintage disk pack for an old IBM 3330 "Merlin" drive, sitting idle, in a pack-cover. And my choice for a desktop background has always been a brick wall (ever since I first had a chance to play with ResEdit on a Mac Plus, more than half a lifetime ago). Do I shove this down anybody else's throat? No. But neither do I care to have somebody else's look-and-feel elements shoved down my throat.

James H. H. Lampert
(I also like a garbage can icon to look like a garbage can. With a WinDoze logo on it.)

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