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Re: Changing hardware

On 09/03/2022 04:31, Felix Miata wrote:

Free drivers exist for NVidia GPUs too, nouveau for the GPU device driver,
modesetting DIX and nouveau DDX to choose from for the display driver. The latter
is old technology, reverse-engineered, and optional.

Free drivers are terrible to use if user wants hardware acceleration.
Clocks are not ramped up, because nouveau does not support re-clocking.
That means horrible performance, or crashes. I don't ever recommend, or
sometimes even mention, nouveau.
I use nouveau myself on my server for unaccelerated display purposes, I
know what I am doing. nouveau is stable and it only crashed about 2
times in last 2 years or non-stop operation, when used to display
desktop without any multimedia or browser usage.

But I will never recommend that to normal users who wants to use their
computer as a desktop machine with multimedia, 4K 60fps video, various
games, you name it.

nvidia-detect package: run nvidia-detect tool and it will tell you which
nvidia driver package you need to install to have proprietary driver for
your GPU.

NVidia's proprietary drivers are optional, not required, so the extra nuisance of
them, when installed, is self-imposed.

Extra nuisance is self-imposed on all modern Nvidia GPU users, because
they need to install and maintain non-free driver. If they don't do
that, they get this:

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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