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Re: Debian stable - updates

On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 02:19:34PM +0200, Christian wrote:
> Hi altogether,


> I quote:

> [...] There is a tradeoff, though. The software in Debian Stable is
> usually fairly outdated.
> In fact, it's usually outdated when the distribution first ships.
> Now, that's not much of a problem for servers, but it's awful for
> desktops. "

He is of course free to have this opinion :-)

Thing is: "stable" means that Debian stable doesn't (usually) change
the versions of installed software. Not without a strong reason. Only
bug fixes and security patches go in.

That means that you can usually update your operating system with closed
eyes, without fears that anything will stop working of a sudden.

Some people like that, even on their desktops ;-)

If you need the-latest-and-greatest of "this specific package" there
are usually ways around.

I, for example, have a very reduced set of packages I self-compile. I
know I've to deal with the fall-out, and I know how to. But I couldn't
possibly do that for the 2000+ packages installed in my system. I'm
infinitely thankful to the maintainers doing that job, and for them to
not make funny experiments.

-- t

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