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Re: thunderbird

On 2021-05-31 at 09:03, didier gaumet wrote:

> Le 31/05/2021 à 13:45, rust a écrit :
>> Sunbird huh? I'll have to take a look. Part of what led me (back)
>> to Thunderbird was the calendar. There are surprisingly few
>> standalone, graphical calendars that are still being developed for
>> linux.
> I think Sunbird has not been developped for 10 years

Beyond that: it's been dropped from the (Mozilla) source repositories
that once held it, and if you go back to the commit before it was
dropped, the resulting state is not buildable in a modern environment.
(IIRC from when I tried it, in an attempt to resurrect the standalone
program, the problem is the interdependency of different parts of that
tree and build system.)

My understanding is that it was dropped after its codebase was forked
into the form of the Lightning extension, but last I checked that
extension and its descendants came with the downside of being integrated
into Thunderbird, and specifically with the downside of appearing not as
a separate window but as a tab; I do not want a tab bar in my mail
client, period, so the fact that I can't use the calendar without having
one visible makes that line of descent a nonstarter for me.

I still have a Sunbird Portable install on one of my Windows computers
at work (albeit one which is now dead because the PSU failed), but have
never had a similarly good standalone calendar in a Linux environment.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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